• Sistemas de cortinas antibacterianas con tela Sure Chek Linen y otras telas de grado hospitalario, para cubículos y duchas.
  • Portasueros fijos y telescópicos.
  • Sistemas integrales con rieles y accesorios incluidos.
  • Visite la página web de Arnco.

    Proyectos de referencia donde se han instalado productos Marca ARNCO:

  1. Ebais Sabana Grande: cortinas 
  2. Ebais Mesón Grecia: cortinas
  3. Coriport: cortinas
  4. Ebais Cedral: cortinas
  5. Hospital México: cortinas
  6. Área de salud Amazon: cortinas
  7. Ebais Desamparados: cortinas
  8. Hospital de Alajuela: cortinas
  9. Ebais San Ramón: cortinas
  10. Ebais la Rivera: cortinas
  11. Hospital Monseñor Sanabria: cortinas
  12. Hospital la Anexión de Nicoya: cortinas

❝It’s been 17 years since AICSA became our representative in Costa Rica and we began supplying your customers with our products. During this time we have dealt with hundreds of distributers across the United States and internationally and AICSA has consistently been at the top of this list. As a manufacturer, you have provided us with continued promotion of our products, valuable customer and warranty support, responsiveness to customer’s inquiries, solid communication, and a growing business. The truth is that your projects tend to run smoothly and without major issues which allows us to work more efficiently. It’s just a better way to do business and I appreciate your efforts is this regard.❞

Kiva Gippo
A.R. Nelson Co.